All kinds of personalities are drawn to casino gambling.
This diversity is part of what makes the gaming experience so exciting! You never know who will sit down at the seat next to you.
This is true of celebrities who love to bet as well. For every Ben Affleck, zaddy type who cleans up at the tables time after time, there’s a beautiful mess like Paris Hilton getting tossed from casino floors for drug possession! But in the wide, wide world of gambling…
… it seems like a safe bet to say that there’s no one quite like Dana White.
The President of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), White is something of a legend. Perhaps more than any other individual, he has personified the explosive growth of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) – both in the culture at large, and a business.
In 2001, White was part of the deal that (along with buyers Station Casinos executives Frank and Lorenzo Fertita) acquired the UFC for $2 million.
At the time, the league was in dire straits. Despite having successfully produced nearly 30 fights, government regulators had cracked down on the “no holds barred” style of the early MMA fights. Money was tight, and the UFC had a lot of bad press.
Fast forward to 2016, and the UFC was sold again… this time, for just over $4 billion.
For those keeping score at home, that’s a return on investment of 2,000%in just 15 years.
Dana White played a central part in that success. In addition to his status as champion businessman, he is also a media personality in his own right: loud, brash, opinionated, his personal style of communication is (rightly) closely associated with the UFC brand. And wouldn’t you know it, he is a downright hellacious gambler.
The UFC is headquartered in Las Vegas, providing all kinds of gambling opportunities. What’s more, with personal net worth is currently estimated at north of $500 million, Dana White certainly has a bankroll with which to enjoy his interest in wagering.
For some, this would be the beginning of a sad story where a successful individual gets addicted to gambling, and watches their world begin to crumble. But in White’s case, exactly the opposite seems to be true!
So what is his gambling story?