Is there any casino game more appealing than blackjack? It is the most popular table game in the world, and also among the most famous. Under optimal conditions, it can offer players the best odds available in any casino.
Note the qualifier ‘under optimal conditions.’ Playing perfect blackjack at the right table can drop the casino edge to below 1%! But what is perfect blackjack, exactly?
Perfect blackjack means playing with optimal strategy.
There are only five choices available: hit, stand, split, double down, and surrender. Players who know which choice to make under any circumstances will find themselves in an excellent position. That’s right…
…players have to know what to do not some of the time, not most of of the time, but all the time. Under every single gaming scenario.
The good news is that anyone can learn perfect play!
The bad news is that, unlike in school, where getting 97% on a test is considered a great success…
…every mistake, no matter how small, increases the casino’s already notable edge.
This is something serious players need to know backwards and forwards, standing upside-down in a blizzard with a baby screaming in one ear and a vacuum cleaner in the other.
With all that said, let’s take a close look at what perfect play really is.