Amusnet Interactive, the well-known global supplier of slot games and live dealer games for online casinos, announced that it was invited to join the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum, an elite business organization in the country.
The company received its new status as an esteemed member of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum at an exclusive event, alongside thirteen other prominent companies from various industries. Levon Hampartzumyan, the Chairman of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum, presided over the formal ceremony, presenting Amusnet Interactive with a prestigious membership certificate and the Business Ethics Standard certificate.
This momentous occasion marks Amusnet’s entrance into a community that unites both Bulgarian and international companies spanning diverse sectors of the economy. The primary objective of this collective is to actively champion practices rooted in social responsibility and sustainable business development.
Liliya Chatalbasheva, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer at Amusnet Interactive, expressed her gratitude for being invited to join the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum and expressed her belief that “by sharing values that promote responsible and ethical business practices” the organization is “actively contributing to Bulgaria’s technological landscape.”
The Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum serves as a nexus for organizations that share a common commitment to conducting their businesses in a responsible, transparent, and ethical manner. At present, the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum has 170 member companies across various industries. The organization is an integral part of the global network of the International Business Leaders Forum, a prestigious global organization.